Species of lupine do not produce nectar, but give pollen to honey bees Is the white lupine flower a honey plant
Species of lupine do not produce nectar, but give pollen to honey bees Is the white lupine flower a honey plantsiderates. Mustard, lupine, buckwheat, oats and others... Green manure (green manure) - plants that quickly form green mass, grown for the purpose of their subsequent plowing...
Ginger - what kind of plant is it and how does it look: photo and description Do ginger leaves eat
Ginger - what kind of plant is it and how does it look: photo and description Do ginger leaves eatKnown to all for its medicinal and taste properties. The plant is a perennial native to India and Asia. The trunk of ginger can reach from half a meter to...
loosestrife - a ground cover plant with useful properties Monetary loosestrife root system
loosestrife - a ground cover plant with useful properties Monetary loosestrife root systemMonetary loosestrife Aurea (Aurea). Monetary loosestrife (Lysimachia nummularia) is a species common in Europe, Japan and North America that grows over most of the...
Orthopedist pediatrician what treats
Orthopedist pediatrician what treats

An orthopedist is a doctor who treats disorders of the musculoskeletal system caused by malformations or diseases. A pediatric orthopedist studies the causes of congenital bone pathologies and ...

American gangsters of the 20th century - stories and pictures from a century ago
American gangsters of the 20th century - stories and pictures from a century ago

If you believe they are evil, heartless, or simply mentally ill, then you are still part of a society that both repels and attracts the lives and minds of serial killers. Who are they and...

Death in Buddhism: the cycle of samsara and the path to enlightenment
Death in Buddhism: the cycle of samsara and the path to enlightenment

The essay on the history of philosophy was completed by: Stytsyura Dmitry Vyacheslavovich Vladivostok State Institute of Economics and Service Department: Philosophy Vladivostok 1999 Annotation In this work ...

Processional road from Babylon and the gate of the goddess Ishtar
Processional road from Babylon and the gate of the goddess Ishtar

The conquerors of neighboring countries attacked Babylon many times, and ravaged the city - but it was rebuilt several times. Buildings were erected from fired brick, which was not afraid of either water or sun....

Teaching a horse to stand on a candle
Teaching a horse to stand on a candle

03/02/2012 | How to rid a horse of bad habits? Memories of unpleasant communication with riders are fixed in the horse's memory as defensive conditioned reflexes, so first you need to ...

Tibetan cuisine: what is eaten in the most magical place on Earth
Tibetan cuisine: what is eaten in the most magical place on Earth

You are what you eat. Tibet is a mysterious Asian country, which is located in the remote mountainous regions of the Tibetan Plateau. Nowhere in the world will you find what you can see in...

What to try in Japan: what it is - real Japanese cuisine
What to try in Japan: what it is - real Japanese cuisine

Japan has long been famous for exporting the most expensive fish species in the world. The national Japanese cuisine is also dominated by fish dishes. Regularly in the country, fish auctions are held, the most expensive...

Maple: photo of trees, seeds and leaves
Maple: photo of trees, seeds and leaves

Maple has been used in landscape design for a very long time. It is a hardy and low maintenance plant. A huge variety of varieties allows you to choose the right shape for any site....

The chemical composition and useful properties of spices
The chemical composition and useful properties of spices

Egypt is considered to be the birthplace of cumin. True, in ancient times it was used more often not as a seasoning, but as a component of a mixture for mummification. In Rome and Hellas, he was valued and added to the majority ...

Bright and unpretentious stonecrop caustic: description and photo of varieties, care and reproduction
Bright and unpretentious stonecrop caustic: description and photo of varieties, care and reproduction

Stonecrop is a perennial plant whose roots are oddly shaped, thick, but very short and little branched. He is a member of the Crassulaceae family, or Crassulaceae, as it is...

What to do if the child refuses complementary foods (does not eat porridge), and does not want to eat from a spoon. Reasons for refusing to eat
What to do if the child refuses complementary foods (does not eat porridge), and does not want to eat from a spoon. Reasons for refusing to eat

Your baby has reached the age of six months, he has already had his first tooth, and now the period has come for the introduction of complementary foods. A logical stage in the development of each toddler is the transition from a diet consisting ...

Allergies in a child What to do if a child has a severe allergy
Allergies in a child What to do if a child has a severe allergy

What is an allergy in children? What are its symptoms? How to avoid childhood allergies, and how to treat it if it was not possible to avoid it. Children from wealthy families are more likely to have dermatitis, urticaria and ...

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